Nov 18, 2022
Token-Gate Anything With Multiple Types of Token

To help creators easily build token-gated rewards and experiences, we released a series of updates this week on our “token-gate anything” toolkit. Using Highlight, creators can now make token-gates with multiple requirements in seconds, and save that gate for easy re-use.

If you're a creator with more than one NFT project, this means you can now offer every type of holder (including both NFT and social token holders) all types of rewards and experiences.

Token-gates now include support for:

  • Any NFT from a specific contract address on Ethereum or Polygon
  • Any NFT from any OpenSea collection URL
  • Specific NFTs from any contract address or collection
  • A minimum amount of ETH, MATIC, or an ERC-20

Because token-gates can now be stored, creators can save even more time providing rewards or experiences.

This week the Highlight creator toolkit also evolved to provide gates, pages (for token-gated rewards, experiences, media, polls, etc.) and token-minting in separate tabs. Now applying a gate for all your NFT projects is as easy as selecting it from a drop-down menu:

Embeds: Simple No-code Snippets for Custom Sites

We’re also excited to unveil our first copy-and-paste embeds for bringing your NFTs and token-gated experiences to any custom site.

Our release this week is for adding a full Highlight mint page to your own domain. Instead of a Highlight-hosted drop, use our embed to host your own sale using our beautifully designed mint pages.

Our creator-owned contracts and mint pages currently support ERC-721 tokens on Ethereum or Polygon; creator royalties; visual, video, or music NFTs; limits per mint; and open editions. We’re adding new features here every week so stay tuned for updates on what you can embed.

Royalties for NFT Minting

You can now add a creator royalty fee and recipient address when minting an ERC721 on either Ethereum or Polygon. This includes support for auto-populating royalties for your NFT collection on most major marketplaces.

Other Improvements

Here’s what else we shipped this week:

  • Updated how we upload NFT metadata to Arweave
  • Updated how we auto-populate OpenSea collections for contracts deployed using our minting tools
  • Fixed a bug that was causing mint pages for music/audio NFTs to crash
  • Updated the link from a mint page to Etherscan to direct to the token page instead of the proxy contract, which was confusing
  • Verified our mint manager contracts on Etherscan, giving buyers more confidence in creator-owned contracts and NFTs minted using Highlight
  • Updated how we display calendar dates for setting start/end dates for a mint
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing a user's active wallet from displaying correctly
  • Adjusted how we display our creator toolkit, gated pages, and mint pages on mobile vs desktop
  • Fixed how we display the remaining quantity for open edition mints
  • Many other small bug fixes, speed improvements and visual updates