Mar 23, 2023
Feature Preview: Series Collections

After several weeks in beta, we're very close to launching Series collections, a style of NFT collection in which the artwork and metadata can be unique for each item.

Creating a series on Highlight will automatically generate a mint page showcasing the artwork of your choosing.

With drag-and-drop metadata uploads, decentralized media storage using Arweave, best-in-class features for how artwork is revealed, and a lot more, we can't wait to see what you create with Series collections. As we're putting the finishing touches on this long-awaited feature, check out our Exhibit project and mint page to see the feature from the collector's side. More about Exhibit below.

Other Improvements

Here’s what else we shipped this week:

  • Major improvements to the transaction flow while minting, ensuring a smoother experience in a variety of edge cases
  • Fixed a bug where some collection descriptions weren't appearing on manage and mint pages
  • Fixed an issue where some images weren't showing up on the collectors tab
  • Improved the collection creation flow, allowing creators to save progress, partially complete, and navigate between different steps
  • Improved borders and shadows in image previews on mint pages
  • 15+ other visual enhancements, bug fixes, and performance improvements

On Wednesday March, 22, we launched the series mint for Exhibit—a collection of 10,000 NFT artworks that explore how art works on the Ethereum blockchain. The series includes 100+ traits to explore for more context. You can unlock the mint by owning any open edition from Highlight.

Follow us on Twitter for more info as the project unfolds.