Jan 16, 2023

We’re excited to announce the release of auctions, a powerful feature that enables creators to sell 1/1 NFTs with ‘English’ auction mechanics, including a reserve price.

As with all our tooling, auctions are embeddable in any custom website, allowing creators to self-host auctions on any domain they choose. Auctions can also be token-gated or managed through allow-lists, allowing creators to host exclusive sales for select collectors.

Built from the ground up, auctions help creators capture the highest price for unique artworks. NFTs are held in smart contracts along with the top bid that meets the reserve price, ensuring a safe and transparent experience for both creators and collectors.

You can run an auction by visiting our creator toolkit's Tokens tab and deploying your smart contract.

To learn more about our auctions feature, see here.

Collector Insights

This past week brought another major release with the launch of a new Collectors tab in our tools dashboard.

The Collectors tab gives insight into the holders of your NFT projects, whether for collections deployed using Highlight or those you’ve created elsewhere and imported.

You can now see how many tokens from each collection every collector owns. The default sorting is for the collectors who hold most of your NFTs. Along with sorting, filtering, and searching by wallet address or ENS, you can download a .csv for your collectors.

The Collectors tab is based on the NFTs in your Tokens tab. If you’re curious about the overlap between your NFT projects and others, you can import NFT collections into the Tokens tab.

To learn more about Collector insights using Highlight, check out this article.

Select NFTs From Your Wallet

Creating a token-gate or viewing collector insights is now as easy as selecting NFTs from your wallet.

If you own the NFT you’d like to use for a token-gate or to import for collector insights, you can select it from your wallet. Previously, we required you to look up a contract address or collection URL.

Paragraph Integration

Last week, we launched an integration with Paragraph, the leading web3 newsletter and blogging platform.

Now, pasting a Highlight NFT collection link into your Paragraph post turns it into an embed, letting your readers collect your NFTs directly from your posts or via their inboxes.

We can’t wait to see how creators use NFT embeds within Paragraph. We’ve created a commemorative mint to celebrate the launch, available for the next few days.

Featured Project: VÉRITÉ's Love You Mad Libs

A few weeks ago, we helped VÉRITÉ, a Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter, make a fun mini-game called Love You Mad Libs.

It was a case study in community-building and offered varying levels of access to holders of her ~10 NFT projects. To share learnings, we made a video with VÉRITÉ showing how we built it.

If you’re looking to build fun projects in web3, this video gets into the weeds of the project and the Highlight tools that made token-gating a breeze.

Other Improvements
  • Updated how we display pagination for some NFT collections
  • Fixed an issue with token-gates on mint pages when viewed on mobile
  • Fixed a bug with minting on mobile if the connection to a chain changed
  • Fixed a problem where markdown text was appearing in collection descriptions
  • Improved the responsiveness of the Tokens tab when importing NFTs
  • Updated global style settings for mint embeds to ensure they don't interfere with style settings on hosted sites
  • Fixed an issue that was causing some ERC20 token-gates to appear as ETH currency requirements
  • Fixed a problem with connecting certain wallets with specific browsers on mobile
  • Improved NFT collection loading across the app
  • Adjusted text sizes in various places
  • 30+ other speed upgrades, bug fixes, and visual improvements!